
Does Fat Freezing Really Work?

Annapolis, MD

Information provided by Morgan Gale, CRNP + Medical Director of Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center of Annapolis

You might have heard of a process that literally freezes fat, as a popular alternative to invasive surgical procedures like liposuction. Yet, you might wonder is fat freezing, other-wise known as Coolsculpting works as well as liposuction. Another popular question we get here in our Annapolis office, is “how much belly fat does fat freezing actually remove?” These are great questions! Read on to learn about Coolsculpting, how it freezes and removes fat, and if it might be the right choice for you.

What is Fat Freezing AKA “Coolsculpting?”

CoolSculpting is a relatively new and completely revolutionary treatment for patients who want to target and destroy stubborn, unwanted fat. The procedure targets specific areas of the body that may be difficult to otherwise lean down. The treatment is FDA-approved and effective is as little as one session. During the procedure, the machine uses cryolipolysis, which is a process during which fat cells are frozen, destroyed, and then absorbed by the body to be disposed of through the lymphatic system. Each session typically lasts around one hour and patients report minimal or no discomfort. There is virtually no recovery time needed and clients are able to return immediately to their normal activities. Some people go through multiple treatments, and results can be seen in as little as 6-8 weeks following each session. The good thing is – Once the fat cells die slowly, they do not come back. Of course, patients should keep in mind that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help yield optimal results. At Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center, we love CoolSculpting!

Does Coolsculpting Hurt? Is There Down Time After Having a Treatment?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that is ideal for getting rid of visible fat bulges in the submen (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, thigh, abdomen, and back, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana rolls), and upper arm fat. This patient pictured below treated her abdominal area and had great results that took multiple inches off of her waist! CoolSculpting is the perfect treatment to pair with your regular exercise routine to achieve maximum results. If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting and see if it’s right for you, give us a call or schedule online to book your private consultation.

Learn More About  Coolsculpting Services in our Annapolis office location


Nick Harper